About UniFeed

UniFeed is specialized in nutritional products of animal origin. We use high-quality ingredients combined with innovative production techniques. Our R&D team uses its many years of technical and nutritional experience to develop the products. Together with you our product specialists can apply their knowledge, in order to make the products an additive of value in your feed.

Feed ingredients

Our products are highly digestible ingredients of animal origin. The high quality and easy digestibility of these products will improve the utilization of your feed and enhance the performance of the animals which will consume it. Please contact us to see how we can help you to improve your products.

Pet-food ingredients

For companion animals we can offer a wide range of products. We have products for various applications such as improving palatability or ingredients for highly digestible pet-food. Our production process is innovative and will give you unique products to work with. Please contact us to explore how our products can help you to reach your goals.

Fish Hydrolysates

Unique in the market is our full-fat Fish hydrolysate. The applied process leaves the oil well dispersed in the product. The type of fish and not extracting the oil makes this hydrolysate high in omega-3 fatty acids. Please contact us for more information.


We care about the quality and food-safety of our products. This is not just a topic but rather an awareness within our business. To meet our high quality-standard we only use fresh raw materials. The food safety of our ingredients and production is assured by an GMP+ certification.

Next to the food-safety is the sustainability of the source an important topic when using products of animal origin. We take our responsibility in this by using raw-materials of a sustainable source.